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The seal of prophethood

The seal of prophethood

the seal of prophethood

Hello friends to day we will talk about the seal of prophethood.

were many signs as the prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) was growing up and entering manhood that he was an extraordinary person.

He was an outspoken speaker and a wise and just judge.
He was well known among the Quraish as a believer and honest.

But there was something more, something special, about him that was witnessed by many of those around him.

When Amina was pregnant with the baby Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam), she was aware of a light within her, shining out of her stomach so intensely that she could

Just before the baby was born Amina had a dream in which she was told that her child would be the leader of the people and that she should

Although it was an unusual name among the Arabs, when the baby came across Amena's lap, the baby was named Muhammad.

So Amina was not surprised when Haleema, the child’s foster mother, told her about something strange that happened when she was looking after young Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam).

Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) and the son of Haleema had been out in the fields with the sheep, when two men dressed in white took Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)

a little distance away and laid him down and opened his chest.

Haleema’s son quickly ran back to tell his parents what was happening.

When Halima and her husband ran to Muhammad (Sallaho Alihi Oyasarllam), they saw Muhammad (Sallaho Alihi Oyasarllam) standing very quietly.

They did not see any sign of men and no sign of injury or bruise on the body of the young Muhammad, but no boy would change a word.

The only sign of Muhammad's body was a small mark on his back between his shoulders.
But that had been there since his birth.

Later in his life the Blessed prophet described what happened on that day more fully.
he told him that she saw two men dressed in white carrying a golden basin of snow with them.

They opened his chest and removed his heart.

Those people also opened his heart and tied a black clot
Then they cleansed and purified his heart and his breast with the snow.

When Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) was six years old his mother died.

Then his grandfather Abdul Muttalib took over. But only two years later his grandfather Abdul Muttalib died.

After the death of his grandfather, Muhammad was taken over by his father's brother Abu Talib and taken to his home.

Occasionally Abu Talib would take Mohammad on a trip with a caravan of traders.

On such a journey he and his caravan stopped at a place called Bostra which was on its way to Syria.

A Christian monk by the name of Bostra lived there.

That Christian monk lived there alone, reading old books and manuscripts and researching what had been written to him from many descendants who lived there before him.

Among the books was a book that gave the message of the arrival of a prophet in the Arab society.

The outsiders believed that the prophet would come there in his lifetime.

When the caravan of Mecca came to a halt near the monk's residence, he noticed something very strange.

A small cloud seemed to be moving slowly over the heads of a few passengers, protecting the passengers of the caravan from the heat of the sun.
When the merchants took shelter under a tree, the clouds rose above them and the branches of the trees were lowered to supply them so that they could rest.

The outsider was curious, and surprised to learn more, so he prepared a dinner for the whole caravan.

There were no ordinary people who caused the strange things that the outsiders witnessed. He thought to himself

Of course the expected prophet was with the caravan.

When his guests came for dinner, he did not see anything unusual about any of them, so he asked if everyone had come.

Surely, they left the youngest member of this caravan, Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) , in the camp so that he could guard their possessions.
The monk’s requested that Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) be brought.

The outsiders watched Muhammad attentively, and mentioned his behavior.

He knew at once that this was the man for whom the shadow had been provided.

After a while, Bahira took Abu Talib and his niece aside and said, "This is the last Prophet."

As you approached, I saw a cloud cast a shadow over your caravan and I have no doubt that the last prophet in our holy book is with you.

For this reason I invited you, in order that I might meet him.”
The outsider asked the boy many questions, all of which were answered to his satisfaction and fascinated everyone by answering the questions.

Finally the monk asked if he could see his back.

There in the middle of the shoulder, the sign that the outsider expected was exactly the same as the sign of the Prophethood as described in his book.

Bahira advised Abu Talib to bring his niece back to Mecca. Because there Onke conspired to kill Muhammad. So Abu Talib sent him to Makkah with one of his trusted men.

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