Let's talk about Hinduism religion

Friends, today we will discuss about Hinduism.
Before discussing about Hinduism, we need to know what is Hinduism? Let's go to the main event without exaggerating.

Religion means quality or attribute, and what a person or object holds or believes in its own being is also its religion. Such as burning the religion of fire, soaking the religion of water; Again, the religion of fire is upward, that is, when fire burns, its flame will go up and the religion of water will go down, that is, water will always go down in a natural way. Thus every object created by nature has its own characteristics or religion, which nature has created in them, no human will or reluctance will change their natural religion and nothing will come and go.

Origin of Hinduism

Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. However, its name was not Hindu from birth. Its ancient name is Sanatan Dharma. However, according to experts, Hinduism in this country is not based on the ideology of a Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. However, its name was not Hindu from birth. Its ancient name is Sanatan Dharma. However, according to experts, Hinduism in this country is not based on the ideology of a single person. This religion is born with different culture, tradition and ideology of India.There are many differences of opinion about the origin of Hinduism.But according to Wikipedia,
The period between 1500 and 500 BC is known as the Vedic period. After that period, that is, between 500 and 300 BC, Hinduism was born. God is at the root of the religion of man, of everything in the world. These believers believe in religion, money, deeds and liberation. They believe that everything exists in the existence of God. Meanwhile, according to historians, the Aryan nations entered India through Europe via Iran. And they started practicing Vedas in India. Gradually it spread all over India and people converted to Hinduism. that everything exists in the existence of God. Meanwhile, according to historians, the Aryan nations entered India through Europe via Iran. And they started practicing Vedas in India. Gradually it spread all over India and people converted to Hinduism.

                              hinduism god

When it comes to Hinduism, it comes down to Hindu gods and goddesses. There are about 33 types of gods and goddesses in Hinduism. There are about 33 types of gods and goddesses in Hinduism. They perform various tasks in the world. However, the Hindu Tridev or the three gods are specially mentioned. They are called gods of Hinduism. Let's find out their names and their functions:

  • Creator: According to Hinduism, this created world was created by Bromba.

  • Deity worshiped in Hinduism: According to Hinduism, this created world is observed by Bisno Lalon.

  • Destroyer deity in Hinduism: In Hinduism, Shiva is considered to be the destructive deity because Karan Shiva will destroy this world.

Hindu festival

When it comes to Hinduism, it comes down to their festivals. It is said that Hindus have 13 festivals in 12 months. The main festivals of the Hindus differ from region to region. However, the main religious festival of Hindus is Durga Puja.
Durga is the chief goddess of the Hindus. Let's see its history.

  • At that time King Kangs Narayan became the owner of vast lands. He organized this puja for the purpose of increasing his social prestige. It is said that he spent about eight lakh rupees in this autumn puja.

  • In the spring of the same year, Raja Joy Jagat Narayan of Bhaduria in Rajshahi organized the Basanti Puja in a very grand manner. He spent about nine lakh rupees on that puja to ace Kangs Narayan. It is found in the writings of various people that Durga was worshiped in the Navaratna temple at Kalabarwa Mathbaria in Satkhira in the eighteenth century.

  • Durga Puja was first introduced in Dhaka during the reign of Nawab Selimullah. Economist Bhabatosh Dutt mentions in his autobiography that the largest Durga Puja in Dhaka was held in 1830 at the house of Nandalal Babu Mysundi, a businessman from the Sutrapur area of ​​old Dhaka. Although it is not known how much the puja cost, the author mentions that the idol was almost two storeys high.
  • Worship of the house of Zamindar Srinath Roy at Armanitola in 1923 was also quite famous. Worship of Dhakeswari temple of Lalbagh police station is also quite ancient. It is to be noted that many historians believe that Dhaka was named after Goddess Dhakeswari, another form of Goddess Durga worshiped in the Dhakeswari temple.

  • From the seventeenth century to the nineteenth century, the influential zamindars and feudal lords began to organize Durga Puja to show their wealth and influence. Even then this Durga Puja could not become for everyone. It took many more years for Durga Puja to become universal.

  • At the beginning of the twentieth century, Durga Puja in Bangladesh was confined to the affluent and aristocratic Hindu families of the society. Towards the end of the last century and at the beginning of this century, Durga Puja took the form of its universality. After the partition of the country in 1947, it became very expensive to worship alone. At this time the influence of the aristocratic and wealthy Hindus also began to wane.

  • Thus the practice of universal worship began later in the whole of Bengal. From the time it became public, Durgotsab began to become a national festival of Bengalis. Since the introduction of universal Durga Puja, the interest of people of all walks of life has increased.

Characteristics of Hinduism

  • Belief in liberation from old age:Hinduism believes that one can be liberated from worldly life through action and knowledge.The principle of this religion is, selfless pursuit, that is, die for the sake of duty, yet do not expect fruit. This religion says that the liberation that can be achieved through action is the attainment of heaven. It also suggests that salvation is possible through God's mercy.

  • Monotheism:The predominance of adoration in Hinduism is deeply related to its monotheism. Advaitavada is all the gods and goddesses and all the natural forces such as air, water, rivers, earthquakes, epidemics, etc. There are different forms of a single life force.

  • Belief in Karmaism:According to karma, man must suffer the consequences of his own actions. For example, the result of good deeds is virtue or happiness and the result of bad deeds is sin and sorrow.

  • Belief in incarnation:In Hinduism, the great men chosen by God from heaven to believe in incarnation are called incarnations.

  • Coexistence of conflicting beliefs:The coexistence of multiple perspectives can be observed in Hinduism. Hinduism does not refer to any particular type of religious experience. Therefore, conflicting beliefs can be noticed in this religion. This religion is a diverse religion with the coexistence of conflicting beliefs. Such a strange thing is not seen in any other of the traditional religions.

  • Belief in reincarnation:One of the characteristics of Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation. Rebirth means that after the death of an organism, the soul will return to earth in a new body. The Gita says, "Just as man gives up his worn-out garments and takes on new garments, so the soul will give up its worn-out body and take on another new body."

  • Multiple Beliefs in God:This religion holds different doctrines in terms of belief in the shape of God. The three great Hindu deities are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. There are innumerable gods and goddesses under them. They believe that Brahma is the creator of the universe, Lord of Vishnu and destroyer of Shiva. Hindus believe that creation has nothing to do with Brahma since the creation of the universe. So they worship Shiva and Vishnu. They believe that they are not more than one, but that they all belong to the same entity. They believe in monotheism in this way. But some place great importance on Shiva and some on Vishnu. In this way various communities such as Vaishnavism, Brahmins, Shaivites, Shatyas and Ganapatas can be noticed within them.

  • Different types of monotheism:Although there are many gods and goddesses in Hinduism, it is basically a monotheistic religion. This religion believes in an absolute spiritual entity. This religion thinks that the Absolute God has revealed Himself among many gods. Therefore, Hinduism believes in a special kind of monotheism outside of all other religions.